Arts Maebashi



Welcome to Arts Maebashi

A facility that supports and promotes art and cultural activity, we believe that the act of expression and the act of understanding each other is important to all people. Together, we will think about what art and culture will give birth to in this region, and work toward making Arts Maebashi an essential place for everyone.

To accomplish this, we have established three activity concepts.

To be creative

The expression of ideas by individuals is becoming increasingly necessary in a contemporary society in which people with different ideas must coexist. We believe that creatively expressing a unique perception and way of thinking different from others is not an acknowledgement of only one value but will lead to the acknowledgement of a diversity of values.

To share

Art and culture concerns everyone. Gradually over time, when many people are involved, the appeal of art and culture is transformed into something irreplaceable. From young to old, both art lovers and those who are intimidated by it, everyone can participate in building our cultural future.

To facilitate dialogues

We hope this facility will become a place where people will encounter each other embracing their individuality to create a dialogue. Many new ideas will be born from the dialogues that will surely give them strength to take positive steps forward.

Art and culture is not something created by an artist or a small group of insiders, but rather, something created by many people as they enjoy it, talk about it, and share it. As such, we hope for your sincerest support and cooperation as we carry out our activities.

Spring 2013
Arts Maebashi